Average ROI of workplace mental health interventions, 4.2:1
— Deloitte 2017

Is your staff prepared for anything?

The ability to handle pressure and react positively to the unexpected is of paramount importance to an organisation’s success. Why is it the soft skills are often the hardest to acquire? They needn’t be, with our experiential learning you can ensure that your workforce is E M P O W E R E D and able to cope with inevitable change. Using our simple assessment tools, you can monitor progress and direct learning.

Work-Life Balance

Although we spend a high percentage of our waking life at work, we often do this to provide a better life outside of it, either for ourselves or our families. Having a resilient mind able to cope with pressure outside of work also benefits us in the workplace. Providing the right learning for your employees can improve all aspects of their life and improve their performance at work.


 How many of your staff suffer from Stress?

The World Health Organisation has named stress the “health epidemic of the 21st century”. Poor mental health is estimated to cost American businesses up to $300bn a year, an estimated cost to UK employers of £33bn–£42bn. KPMG report that Resilience is critical for today’s leaders. Proactive training has a proven return on investment up to 9:1.


Positive Leadership

The most important factor in developing and maintaining resilience in any organisation is leadership. A leader able to provide a positive influence on the workforce by creating the conditions for psychological safety and openness, ensures that everyone is performing to the best of their ability, working towards common goals. Google determined psychological safety the number one factor for successful teams, through their Aristotle project. E M P O W E R E D Resilience training will enable your business and leadership teams have a positive influence and prepare everyone for the pressures of the workplace.

Would you prefer Change Leadership to Change Management?

Leadership Matters

The Leadership Secret is much more than just a book; it is a journey of self-awareness that equips you with an array of tools for everyday life. Encouraging and full of practical advice for Leaders everywhere, it will remain a go to reference for years to come.

Contact us for Leadership Development Training tailored to your needs:

‘My first Leadership Position!’

Middle Management

Senior Executives